CBD is a Growing Market
Current market projections predict the CBD market to be worth USD$22B by 2022. With the introduction of the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018 (2018 US Farm Bill), the market price of CBD is predicted to decrease dramatically, as supply will surge, transitioning from marijuana-derived to industrial hemp-derived feedstocks. While the current high price of CBD allows enough room in profit margin to allow for inefficient production methods, the eventual decrease in market price will erode these margins until only the most efficient producers will see significant profitability. The greatest overall efficiencies will be found in changes to feedstock preparation aimed at un-delayed processing of fresh/green feedstock, which has the maximum CBD retention capacity.
For the hemp industry to grow, there must substantial value-add to using hemp materials. These value-add materials must be reproducible, high-quality, high-performance, and high-value. While farmers concentrate on feedstock production, it is processors that will create these high-value products. The technologies to produce these high-value products will need to be advanced, producing new materials that cannot be produced through conventional technologies.
Learn How to Optimize CBD Production
In our whitepaper, titled “HempTrain™ for CBD: Drastic Capital and Operating Cost Reduction by Processing Fresh/Green Hemp”, we will demonstrate how using an innovative and advanced processing technology called a HempTrain™ Advanced Processing Plant, substantial efficiencies can be instilled in the production chain, through the separation of the most CBD-extraction suitable material from the lower CBD material in fresh/green mass. The efficiencies gained using a HempTrain™ for processing lead to a) significant capital and operational savings on extraction and drying facilities (millions of dollars), b) increase in CBD retention and c) the realization of additional high-value streams (green microfiber, hurd fiber, bast fiber, and seeds).
About Canadian Greenfield Technologies Corp.
CGT is an award-winning Calgary-based engineering & manufacturing company specializing in hemp products and processing technologies. An off-shoot of an international-award-winning industry group in business since 1987, CGT is an industry leader with unparalleled expertise in hemp processing and the only supplier of complete whole-plant hemp processing facilities in North America, having developed, designed, engineered, and manufactured the state-of-the-art HempTrain™ Advanced Processing Plant.
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